Saturday, July 11, 2009

London week 1

I finally got my macbook back.
And I uploaded the poptarts video up...yet everyone thinks I'm a 'sell-out'?
Why in the world/how in the world did THAT happen?
Can I not do 1 thing right?

whatever, I'll sleep on this.


Kate-Elizabeth said...

your blog is already brilliant, mike. love reading it. please follow my blog at love to you. xx

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike!
I just subscribed to you on Youtube and I hope to meet you someday.
You seem like a really sweet guy<3
I can't make it to the mini-mini-
gathering, but I hope to see you later. Let's talk!

- Irene Hong

Mike Lee said...

@irenethekorean it's no problem at all! don't worry about it and YES maybe I will get to meet up with you someday :P