Thursday, March 11, 2010

7 Months Later

YO. It's been awhile. I tend to forget that I have accounts like these haha

So I'm back in the states...have been since the end of August. And I gotta tell ya, I miss London like a fat kid loves cake [with extra frosting]. There are many things I wish I could do again and I may just have to wait awhile...but who know, maybe I'll have another reason to go back one of these days.

I'm currently on Spring Break, and it's about to end in a few days. I'm excited to go back to school...but there's only a few months left. What am I going to do over summer? Only time will tell haha

Till next time!


1 comment:

Weeeeeendy. said...

you have really random comments:) and hi lol, I'm like stalking you on youtube because I really have nothing to do and you came up on a 'fiveawesomeguys' video which I've been like watching and I was likee COOL KID :) anyways that random blog post was prettyyy coool:)